Saturday, January 19, 2019

How Fryers Work

When you decide to buy fryers, you need consider and find the optimal fryers for your establishment. It is a significant decision because it typically affects the cost of the operation most whether you are a homeowner or a restaurant owner. To understand how Brisbane fryers work, we can identify phases within the process. The oil is heated to between 325-400ºF. Food is then placed in the oil, at which point the food begins deep frying. This sudden heat increase cooks the food’s surface and seals the moisture of the as-yet uncooked food. The moisture that is inside the food heats up and becomes a vaporous form of water. The vapor then cooks the food. Tiny bubbles start to appear where the food’s surface meets the oil, forming a gas barrier. These bubbles are in fact water inside the food then it becomes gas when the food touches the hot oil, exiting before the heat seals the remaining water vapor inside the raw food. Oil and water do not mix which means no oil reaches the food’s surface at this point. The bubbles shield the food so that no oil penetrates inside the food.

Some types of fryers in the market:
Gas or Electric
Gas is traditionally specified for fast cycle times and large volumes of food per hour while commercial electric Brisbane fryers specified for lower volume or infrequently used units. 

Tabletop or Freestanding
If your food volume is large, you probably need a floor-standing unit or multiple floor-standing units.  If you are a smaller specialty operation or offer a niche product, a tabletop unit may fit your needs better because your volume is not that much or your use is infrequent.

Air Fryers
Air Fryers are being spoken about everywhere these days. Fried foods are rich in fat and incredibly tasty. However, since they are deep-fried, they carry a lot of residual oil that has been absorbed by the food during the process of frying. Air fryers use hot air to cook your food evenly. By circulating this superhot air, air fryers are able to quickly cook food in a similar fashion to other common cooking appliances, while using next to now oil, or other fattening additives. The combination of the heating element, and the quick moving fan located right above the heating element, are responsible for the even cook. Overall, this process provides a blast of hot air at high speeds, which allows you to gain one of the healthiest approaches to cooking food.

Brisbane fryers should be filtered every day. This is a needed task to keep the oil safe to use and to maintain the integrity of the machines. Experts will tell you how difficult it is to clean a fryer which has been left untouched for a couple of days. Draining the oil becomes clogged in the pipes by food particles and eventually needing snaking, followed by the potential rush of oil into the pot and then onto the floor. This is the reason why such an important task is needed in the kitchen. Cleaning fryers is very important. Remember, if you don’t’ change your oil often, it won’t matter how well you have treated your equipment.

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